
I've started rebuilding my life after the fire, and will be resuming past projects and work on life goals ASAP. I'm happy to have settled back into a house, but there is still much to do; I am currently contracting (in a field not related to my intended career) and I'm finding it hard to make time to learn and grow in Web Software Development. Working at doing what I don't want to be a career is hard enough - while continuing during free time with what I want to make my career is all the more difficult.

I am still looking, and in between my contract job and the skills building exercises I do still apply where I can. If anyone actually reads these blog posts - I am looking for work as a software developer, so let me know if you know of hiring happening anywhere. I'm open to programming in any language, and am confident that I can learn new frameworks quickly.

I'm hopeful that things will start looking up for me in my life. I had thought that I had everything sorted and I was ready to build a life out of it, but it didn't turn out that way and I'm here again climbing from the ground up.


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